The Songs of Arion

The Songs of Arion

10 min | 2024


Clarinet solo and orchestra


Compulsory work for the 6th International Clarinet Competition Ghent


The mythological figure ‘Arion of Methymna’ was a famous singer, poet and musician. He was the son of Poseidon and Onkaia, but decided to use his incredible musical gift in honor of the god Dionysos. His favorite instrument was the kithara, a derivative of the lyre, which he used to accompany his beautiful singing voice. He was the founder of the ‘Dithyramb’, an ecstatic hymnic chant, during which wine, festivities, exuberance and pleasure were omnipresent. He took part in multiple music competitions, always winning the first prize. Audience and jury never heard such an incredible and exciting musician.

In this work the clarinet symbolizes the voice of Arion, during an sequence of virtuoso dances and intimate lyrical passages. The last enchanting melodies of the clarinet are accompanied by the string orchestra, imitating the sound of the kithara.